What is Elihu?

Our mission is to forge community in opposition to loneliness, leading people into vitalizing human relationships and to the soul-warming experience of the creator.

Community Pizza night returns! we will be in Lake Union Park Seattle on Wednesday evenings 5:30-7. Come make a pizza and make a friend. Event will be every Wednesday throughout the sunny season. weather permitting.

The goal of Wednesday pizza night is to create a safe and fun space to cultivate relationships and community. In a world and a city plagued by loneliness, community is important.

Wanna help? Sign-up to Volunteer, Contact us or Contact Pastor Evan

Burger and Beers!

Join us for dinner and drinks at Evan’s house. We will talk about life and enjoy each other’s company. There will be vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free and non-alcoholic options available.

Come on around at 6pm at 111 Garfield St Seattle, Wa 98019. Contact Evan if you have more questions!

Elihu House Church

Sundays at 4pm

We will gather together at the home of Pastor Evan and have time for worship, prayer and spiritual growth. After that, we will prepare and share in a meal together!

We are committed to extending meaningful grace & hospitality to all.

All people are joyfully welcome.

We are meeting in Queen Anne at the address 111 Garfield St.

Feel free to contact Pastor Evan with any questions.